During the 2nd Fórum Planeta Campo, the panel discussed the challenges and opportunities for Brazil regarding socio-environmental traceability.

During the panel "The Future of Traceability," held at the 2nd Fórum Planeta Campo, the global market scenario was discussed, particularly the trend towards imposing trade barriers on products produced in deforested areas.
In this context, the challenges for Brazil's agricultural and livestock production were addressed, such as monitoring cattle from birth to slaughter and raising awareness and enabling traceability practices for livestock farmers. The traceability of grain production was also discussed during the session.
Panel participants included:
- Luiza Bruscato, Executive Director of GTPS, the Sustainable Livestock Working Group;
- Liège Correia, Sustainability Director at Friboi;
- Ivo Martins, Senior Manager of Government Relations at AllFlex Brasil;
- Gisela Introvini, Vice-President of RTRS in Brazil;
- Tirso Meirelles, President of Sebrae and Vice-President of Faesp/Senar-SP.
Gisela explained that soybean production in the Matopiba region aims to meet European market demands and seeks new markets for Brazilian soy, in accordance with the principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Liège Correia emphasized that meat processing plants already trace direct cattle suppliers and are advancing in the traceability of indirect suppliers. However, she noted that the sector needs to progress further and relies on the engagement of rural producers to make this possible. “It’s not just up to the industry; it needs the partnership of the rural producer. We need to bring knowledge and opportunity, but the final choice is up to the rural producer.”
Correia also explained what the company is doing to include producers through initiatives such as the Transparent Livestock Platform. This pioneering initiative in the sector uses blockchain technology, among other techniques, to make unprecedented advances in the traceability of the cattle production chain in the Amazon biome.
Another action mentioned by Correia was the Green Offices. “Through the platform, we do not allow the purchase of farms involved in illegal deforestation, those embargoed for being in preservation areas, among other practices. However, it is necessary to incentivize the regularization of those not following correct practices, which is why we created the Green Offices. Our goal is to have 100% of our suppliers registered on the platform by 2026.”